Today was the first day of early absentee voting at the satellite offices located throughout Fairfax County, Virginia. My spouse and I voted at the McLean location at the government center on Balls Hills Road, not far from Tysons Corner. It didn’t take long, but it was busier than I expected. Good turnout already.
Check the Fairfax County website for more detail on hours and locations:
Virginia does not have straight early voting, but it does have early absentee. The only difference (thanks, Republicans) is that you have to give a reason why you are voting early. There are 19 valid reasons, the most important of which is that you will be commuting to a job in a jurisdiction other than the one in which you live. If you live in Fairfax County, for example, commuting to Washington, D.C. or Arlington, VA. makes you eligible.
Early absentee voting is exactly the same as on election day, with the same ballots and scanners, and all early absentee votes are tabulated on election day.
Virginia polls close at the very early hour of 7:00 pm on election day. Considering D.C. area traffic, Metro delays etc, I know from experience that many people find it difficult to get from their jobs to the polls. This is probably true in the Richmond and Norfolk areas as well. Early absentee voting can solve the problem. But many people do not know about it.
If you live in Virginia, check your own jurisdiction’s website to see if early absentee is an option for you. And spread the word to people you know who will be commuting to work on election day.